Tag Archives: freedom

Finding a Balance Between Silence and Chaos

When you’re used to a loud, chaotic, and rushed World – shear silence can be intimidating. I crave to be outdoors, away from the city, listening to the wind in the tree’s and the water rushing over the rocks down stream; I can’t pinpoint exactly how I feel after this last weeks experience.

Joseph and I were lucky enough to know some amazing people with a 3 acre plot up in the hills; and by up in the hills I mean 9,900ft, high up in the Rocky Mountains. We are so blessed to have this spot during our “transition” period and can’t express our gratitude. We may have base camp, but its a whole other World up there! Where do I begin…

When I talk about about living sustainability, going off-grid, and escaping the city life – I get overjoyed and enthralled, excited to escape the norm. I’ve been talking about it for a few years, and now that its happening, every bone in my body shakes and my nerves try to take over – trying to turn me in the other direction. Yeah right, I’ve come this far right?

I realize that these feelings are normal; change is inevitable, and if it doesn’t challenge you… Well, where is the fun in that?

After staying in the RV for a week up in the mountains, we realized we still have a TON of learning to do. Each step in this process is going to present new challenges, challenges that we WILL overcome. Entering into the silence the high country provides allows your mind to settle down and really think things through. Joseph and I had some awesome discussions, trying to figure out the next best step and how to conquer it…

Silence is intimidating because it allows our minds to slow down and realize that utter chaos is not our normal way of “being.” With silence around us – we have time to look inside; which is exactly what the people of the World need… To look inside themselves  and dig deep in order to “fix” this holographic image we all “see” in our minds. We have to create the peace we want for everyone else inside ourselves. Your vibration emanates from you and mixes and mingles with every other vibration in the universe; changing the frequency we all live in. Don’t believe me? That’s ok, its not time yet.

We also spent sometime simply enjoying the silence of the woods, trying to find peace within ourselves; searching for our souls and the wisdom held within. We found it hard almost, to be in such a quiet spot for so long. When your brain and body finally have time to relax, its almost as if it fights it. All this crazy stimulation is addicting, and when you take it all away – it can leave you feeling lost. Lost because we had spent most of our lives trying to be someone we simply aren’t, and now we have the chance to be free – be us… Whoever we want to be. Everyday we take a step closer to finding our higher purpose, our place in this wacky and beautiful universe.

As a society, we have tons of work to do… We have to break down these walls that have been built up for generations, we have to break the old paradigm and begin a new; let’s move away from fear, and into trust. Let’s trust that the universe has a plan, and that everything that is happening right now is OUR OWN DOING – because our past generations have chosen to live in fear. Everything starts inside of us – and as soon as you start believing that… The sooner you move from fear and into trust…. Trust that it will all work out exactly as it is supposed too.

Balance and an open mind are key to success in this ever changing World. Let’s work to find balance in every part of our lives… Starting inside: our mind, our body, and our soul. Balance inside creates balance outside – and thats the way the cookie crumbles.

With love and light,

~ Tasha



Searching For Love – Are You?

I’m searching for Love… And not the romantic kind of love that more than likely pops into your mind, but timeless, endless, unconditional LOVE. This love is found throughout the whole universe, which means it can also be found deep within ourselves.

Sometimes though, this universal love is forgotten; buried under mounds of self-hate, self-discrimination, and self-destructive behaviors, thoughts, and patterns. These ways of thinking generally start as we mature into our teen years and sometimes even sooner. We begin judging ourselves based on ideals and stigmas put on us by societal and social influences. Young girls never feel like they are pretty enough, skinny enough, or good enough. Young boys learn that “boys don’t cry” and that being the “macho” man is what is important.

Most of us spent our entire developmental years trying to be someone we were not and in doing so – lost sight of who we really were. We were all born different, so why are they constantly trying to make us be the same? Why are we constantly trying to be this person we are “supposed” to be, when everything we need is already inside of us? Its because in the every day rat race to fit in and be the best, we’ve lost sight of what truly matters.

What REALLY matters in this life is embracing who YOU actually are. Loving yourself for everything good, bad, and in between. Love and happiness can sometimes be found by following suite and trying to be someone you are not; but its so much easier to truly love and find happiness when you find it within yourself first.

Stop searching for love in all the wrong places. Look inside yourself and ask – what do I love to do? How could I contribute to the greater good?

And thats another thing we have lost sight of. We’ve become so focus on OUR OWN success, wealth, and power – we’ve forgotten that we all once lived in villages, and tribes, and worked TOGETHER for the greater good for the community; not strictly for ourselves and our immediate family. Societal top-down structure and hierarchy creates a system so focused on money and working long hours that we don’t have TIME to contribute to our community. Most people spend 40 plus hours a week working jobs they hate just to get by… Just to get by and have all these expensive toys and houses. IS THAT REALLY WHAT MATTERS PEOPLE? While you waste your life away working and watching mind numbing TV, there are people just squeaking by who have to dig through the trash for their next meal. Wouldn’t it feel good to let go of some of your expensive, useless stuff to feed the less fortunate? Or work less hours a week so you could grow some food in your backyard for yourself and your neighbors?

We need to get out of the rat race, and look deep inside. How can you move away from being a consumer (which will CONSUME your life) and learn to be more of a creator. How can you give back to your community? Instead of living inside your huge house and making a huge bubble around yourself that says “keep out.” Let’s reconnect with our inner selves, and our outer selves (i.e. the community and people we choose to be around.)

I feel so blessed to have woken up. I used to think money, power, and expensive things were going to make me happy. The more I went in that direction though, the unhappier I felt; and eventually I said ENOUGH. I was not going to be another cow in the herd, working 9-5 with an illusion of freedom and happiness. I wanted true happiness, true love, and a REAL life.

And ever since I made that decision life has done nothing but go UP… Up and Up! I’m finding ways to be creative, to make enough money to live comfortably, and to downsize…. Downsizing everything! Moving into an RV showed me how little I really needed. It showed me that I didn’t HAVE to spend my days working a dead end job just to pay rent and live. Rent that goes to someone I don’t even know to pay off their bills. LMAO, what a joke!

And I’m sorry if you take offense to any of this; because its not directed at any one person or another… I’m just laying it out – why and how my life has changed so drastically… Because one day I chose to begin thinking for MYSELF. I chose to LOVE myself, and to respect myself… And to take charge of my life.

Will you continue to be a puppet in the never ending societal mind game, or will you chose to look outside of the box and become the person you REALLY are? It really is up to you, so stop blaming the outside World – because believe it or not everything you think and do is a reflection of whats going on inside of you.

I was lucky, I changed my World before I got to deep in the dirt… But even if you find yourself buried miles down in the system – you can make the choice today to take tiny steps UP. How can you weed out the excess? Where else can you see yourself, happy and free?

I see myself, Joseph, and our two fur kids on a journey towards property… Our own little piece of heaven – where we plan to build a life together. A simple life – but a life full of abundance. Lots of land and a tiny home may not be everyones dream, but its ours… And the more we turn our thoughts, our actions, and our lives towards it – the quicker it becomes a reality!

Choose to take your life back – and see how much love begins flowing in and out of your heart 🙂

❤ Tasha ❤

A Country Full Of Control – Can We Let It Go?

From the moment we are born our lives are controlled in more ways than one. Speaking specifically for Americans, control is woven into every aspect of our lives. From the second our polluted air enters our lungs as a baby – we are stamped with a social security number and given a name – defining who we are before we even have a chance to figure that out.

Although the modern world has given us many opportunities to capitalize on our intelligence and life as a species here on Earth; money, power and greed has taken precedence over what’s actually important. Controlling one another with money, rules, societal norms and religion is not what we are here to do!

No wonder so many of us are fu**ed up. We were born into a life where earning your next dollar and fitting in are more important than love for each other and real happiness. As children we are practically forced into schools that hardly teach us what we need to know, influenced by the media and society spending countless hours “forming” ourselves into someone we aren’t so that we feel like we have a fighting chance to be “normal.”

A reoccurring theme in my life is that we have gotten so far from our roots that we have forgotten what really matters and why we were given the chance at life. We are beings of light, created with undying love and forgiveness; constantly on a pursuit of happiness. We were not created originally to be stamped with a label, a slave to this thing called money, with the pursuit to own as many things as possible – including each other.

Where has the love gone? Why did we stop creating and begin simply consuming? Because evil is real and unknowingly society as adapted it as the norm.

Why is war generally accepted and presented as normal? Why is it ok for the government and “law enforcement” to tell others what they can and cannot do? We live in a nation created BY THE PEOPLE and FOR THE PEOPLE… Pshhh, YEAH RIGHT. As soon as you put someone or a group of people “in charge” – the sooner the whole country goes to sh**.

Control, money, power… Has done nothing but increase the feelings of separation. Although more and more people are realizing everything is ONE – we still continue to operate under the impression that we are all separate from each other. Reality check people!! Just because your heart beats differently from your neighbors and the tree in your front yard doesn’t speak to you, doesn’t mean you aren’t connected.

Everyone needs to take a step back and realize control isn’t doing anything but hurting ourselves, others, and the World around us. When we realize we have NO control over each other or Mother Earth and everything she provides for us – THEN, only then, will we have a “fighting” chance.

We need to spend more time working on ourselves then we need to spend “fixing” other people or the World. As we grow within the actual truth begins to show itself. When we figure out what’s inside us, we figure out others at the same time.

I’ve been very fortunate to start this journey myself; spending time everyday learning more about my path and why I was given a chance to live this life. I can truly say that although I began this journey myself, I couldn’t have done it without others. I am eternally thankful for everyone who has helped me along my path of enlightenment and hope to do the same for others.

I’ve quickly learned that money and power will not bring true happiness and that how I approach each day has a positive or negative affect on myself and the world around me.

Life is a journey, and not only a physical one. At the end of the day life is a physical, spiritual, and mental journey. You have to nurture all of these aspects in order to feel “normal” and whole. What IS normal anyway? That’s up to you to determine, because although we are all one, we all have our own unique path.

In the World we live today we need to look PAST all the bullshit and corruption and connect with our roots. In doing so we will undoubtedly connect with each other and the natural World around us more than every before. Human beings are born with free will for a reason. Only YOU can choose what you do with it. Open your mind, open your eyes – and you open a door of endless possibilities.

What will you choose? A life controlled by others or will you give yourself a chance to actually know who YOU are, versus who you are told to be?

I choose life, I choose love, I choose MY path – as uncertain as it may be. I choose uncertainty over conformity and the chance to be something no one else can be – and that’s ME.




When You Follow Your Path… Magic Happens!

These past 4+ years have been a real shell shocking experience for me. I’ve learned so much about myself, life, and the purpose of our existence that I feel the need to share it with whom ever is willing to read it 🙂 We are only here for a brief moment in time, so why spend that time doing anything other than what you were born to do?

Although human beings and the natural world are all “one” – we were all put here on this planet for different reasons. The hardest part it seems is finding this purpose, especially in a world so distracted by money, power, false religion, technology, and modern day slavery. Most of us have gotten so far from our roots that we have no idea WHO WE ACTUALLY ARE – We only know WHO WE ARE SUPPOSED TO BE. Don’t think there’s a difference? Yeah, I didn’t either.

As I was growing up it was instilled in me that I was supposed to go to school, get good grades, go to college, and get a career afterwards and make lots of money. I was lucky and had a great childhood – I grew up before phones where the norm and kids still played in the dirt for hours. I am lucky I got to experience this – because in the World now a days many kids will never get too. As soon as I got into my teenage years I realized I wanted to grow up (which is a mistake that we all make) and from there on out I was set on fulfilling the goals that had been laid before me. Did I know who I was? No… Was I looking for me? No… I was simply following the instructions I was given, hoping for a happy adult life in the end. That’s the mistake a lot of us make – following the goals and dreams of others; whether its our parents, friends, or someone else we idolize. I wish schools taught kids how to look inside themselves and see what makes them happy; instead of dumbing us down and training kids to become modern day slaves.

When I look back now I understand why I was who I was. Confused, emotional, irrational, upset, frustrated, driven but driving the wrong way… Its because I wasn’t following MY DREAMS, MY PASSIONS…. The things in life that offer true happiness. The path that the Great Spirit wants me to walk – in order to find my purpose in this vast and ever expanding universe. Why is the World so focused on a stupid piece of paper? Why are bigger houses and nicer cars priority over nutritious food, land to live on, and an overall sense of wellbeing? The people of the World need to start TODAY – they need to say F**K the system and take their blinders off. Who are YOU and what do you want to do with your life?

As I followed down this path I thought was my journey, I kept hitting major road blocks. I changed my degree multiple times, I joined multi-level marketing companies hoping to get rich quick, I distracted myself with partying and friends and an identity that when I look back, didn’t make any sense. I was on a path that wasn’t mine, and it took me a long time to take a step back and think – AM I REALLY HAPPY?

But I did, and you should too! Are you truly, deep down inside… Happy from your heart? Or are you living a life that you were told would make you happy? The answer is not easy.

When I turned 21-22, I was finally able to take that step back. I was able to look at myself and see that what I was doing was not what I was meant for in this life. As I looked inward at myself – my life, my thoughts, my emotions, my influences… I realized I really didn’t know who “Tasha” was… I knew who she was “supposed” to be.

This is when the natural world caught my attention… Finally right? I dove head first into yoga, proper nutrition, self awareness, and thinking outside the box. I realized how corrupt our society is and I made an agreement with myself that I would find me, in a world so set on distracting us. I stopped watching television almost completely, because it’s mind numbing and sends so many wrong messages. I started reading more books and thinking logically, questioning everything around me and wondering why so many of us were so quick to believe what we were told. I was amazed at the amount of information around me… I just needed to look! I also needed to learn to read between the lines – because there’s a plethora of wrong info available.

As I journeyed down this path, I started to notice changes in myself. I was easier for people to talk to, I approached life with a smile and sent positivity everywhere I went. As I did so – I started meeting like minded people. I can honestly say that all of my best friends today wouldn’t of liked who I was 4 years ago. I thank the universe for bringing all of my amazing friends into my life – because things wouldn’t be the same without them. On the other hand, I think the universe for guiding me where I am today, because without it I would be a lost and lonely soul – on a path of ultimate destruction rather than on my path of enlightenment.

Today I can say I know more about myself, about life, and the force that keeps us moving forward then ever before. Will I ever fully know myself? No.. I believe that’s a life long journey. We are always changing and finding new things to explore, that’s one of the beautiful parts of life. Will I ever know everything there is to know about life? No… Am I supposed to? Nah… But I can learn new things everyday and work to make the World a better place – one word of inspiration at a time.

With only one life to live (that we know about) – why not make the most out of it? Why not follow YOUR PATH instead of the path you are TOLD to follow?

Who are you and what are YOUR DREAMS? Anything is possible… The sky is the limit! So go do it!

– Tasha ❤

Letting Go – And Feeling Free

Laying in a circle surrounded by beautiful people and love; I hear the sounds of mother nature and sense the energy of the holy spirit around me. I feel the harmony of the instruments and the vibrations of everything around – embracing my heart – and entering my soul.

My heart is happy and I feel more grounded than I have in a long time tonight. I feel content with where my life is and I know I am on the right path. As I continue on this journey I meet more people with the same ideas and passions and its one of the best feelings in the world.

Meeting up with the wolf pack and friends has always been a magical experience and tonight was no exception. I know I met this group of enlightened people for a reason. We met up at city park to do sound healing and journeying. Sound healing operates on the principle of energy and vibrations. Our bodies are made up of at least 70% water and the molecules are affected by our surroundings and wavelengths within the air. With the right instruments and environment – you would be amazed at the power it holds. Music is therapy, and this kind of music is healing therapy. This was my first time experiencing such a thing and hope to experience it again soon. I feel energized, refreshed, happy, and almost exploding with joy. This is what living really feels like.

Jim and Sue met this wonderful group of traveling healers who brought their instruments along and did the treatment for us. They journey around the country spreading their insight and love. I feel truly blessed to have met them and hope to see them again in the future. This is just another sign that this is what I am supposed to do.

I have to let go of any fear or doubt. I have to follow my heart and tell my head to shut up and stop worrying in the process. Its good to be prepared and have a plan, but not to let it rule over your life. Go with the flow, and the flow will set you free.

My senses are heightened – the crickets are louder than ever, the air inside my lungs feels so refreshing, and this peach… Mmmm, lets just say it doesn’t stand a chance. Tonight is a beautiful night – and I hope it is for all who reads this as well. Namaste ❤